John Brown Cater Hire Website Launch
Nov, 14 By 0 Comment
New Website

Our new web site has been a year in it’s development, from initial conversation to launch. We’ve taken hundreds of photographs, measured just about every product, imperially and metrically, and tried to organise the menu section in as sensible a manner as possible.

Over the coming months we’ll be adding information to many products on the site that help you order the items you require for your successful function. If hiring any electrical or gas item instruction manuals will be available to download or view online. We’ll recommend certain products that go together like Posuer Tables and Round Table Cloths for that enhanced look.

You can now create your own quote by simply adding the products you require so that you can see what it’s gong to cost. Some of our items we hire out in specific quantities, for example glassware usually comes in quantities of 24 and crockery and cutlery in 10’s. Don’t worry if you’ve not added to your quote in these specific quantities, we’ll sort it all for you when you’re ready to place your order.

And that’s the beauty of this web site. It will let you see the items you’ll be hiring and to give you an idea of the costs involved and then when you’re ready to finalise your order, simply send it to us and we’ll do all the necessary work to confirm it for you.

Thanks for visiting and we hope you like the site.





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